6-09. top, tops, top of, tops of, on top of.
[J is the top of K.] = J is the part of K that is above all other parts of K.
[You cannot touch the top of this big plant because it is far above you.]
[J is on top of K.] = J is above K and is touching the top surface of K.
[I see an animal on top of this building.]
6-10. front, front of, in front of.
[J is the front of K.] = Most times when you use K or when K moves towards you, J is the part of K that you see and that is near to you more than other parts of K.
[Your eyes and mouth are parts of the front of your body.]
[J is in front of K.] = J is near the front of K.
[Two people were inside the building before, but now I see them in front of the building.]
6-11. back, back of.
[J is the back of K.] = J is the part of K that is far from the front of K more than all other parts.
[If you lift the front end of this machine, I will lift the back end.]
6-12. behind.
[J is behind K.] = J is not where you can see it in front of K. J is near to the part of K that is far from the front of K. It is far from the front more than all other parts.
[I cannot see the animal because it is behind this big plant.]